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2U Stabilizers

The ErgoDox keyboard has a total of four 2U keys (two on each half) that can be used with or without stabilizers. This documentation provides guidance on whether to use them, the supported options, and the installation process.

ErgoDox Wireless Lite/Pro

ErgoDox Wireless Lite and ErgoDox Wireless Pro both include an aluminum plate with support for plate-mounted Cherry stabilizers.

  • Most users find that stabilizers are unnecessary. However if you regularly press the 2U keys from the corners, you may wish to add stabilizers so those keys can be pressed more smoothly.
  • Users are encouraged to try the keyboard first without stabilizers. If you decide to add stabilizers after initial assembly, you only need to remove the keycaps and switches for the four 2U keys. This process is straightforward and should take only a few minutes.
  • For stabilizers, we recommend official Cherry stabilizers for optimal fit. Third-party stabilizers tend to be wider and could require slight modification, such as sanding, to fit in the aluminum plate.


ErgoDoxLP Wireless

ErgoDoxLP Wireless includes an aluminum plate with support for Choc stabilizers.

  • We recommend not using stabilizers. The low profile switch key travel is quite short and the rectangular switch stem is parallel to direction of the 2U keycap.
  • Most users use the keyboard without stabilizers.
  • For those that are determined to use stabilizers, it is best to install them prior to installing the switches and keycaps. If you choose to add stabilizers after the initial assembly, you'll need to remove and reinstall all the switches and keycaps.
